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Why You Should Stay On CAM4 For Your Shows (Video)

Leaving CAM4 to do shows elsewhere while you broadcast can do more harm than good! Take a look at the benefits of staying where your fans can find you.

Staying reliable for your fans

Constantly going on and offline to do shows on other sites or services while you're broadcasting can create a kind of roller-coaster effect that your fans may find tiring. It may even encourage them to go watch a performers who doesn’t leave all the time.

We have your back

CAM4 support team is here 24/7 to ensure your safety – but we can only do that when you are on the site. Once you leave the site you're on your own... Let us support you!

It’s a private affair

On CAM4, you can feel safe knowing that we will never disclose your location, banking, or personal information with anyone. The information that you provide CAM4 when you perform, earn money or upload your ID is completely confidential. Leaving the site means sharing personal information with fans so you can meet them elsewhere – this increases the chances of your private information being revealed.

Keep the fantasy alive

By doing shows elsewhere, you run the risk of getting too close to a fan and potentially ruining the fantasy you project when you are performing live on CAM4. Fans may get confused at this level of intimacy, they start to feel close to you and feelings may be hurt.  You could even end up losing a great fan.

~That’s all for this lesson!

Happy Camming!
Love, Your Coaching Team!