Tinderella: Adventures of Generation Y on Tinder

We’ve all tried Tinder at one point or another – and have all used the “my friends made me get it” excuse. What is so fascinating about this cut to the chase dating app? Minus the obvious reason of getting laid, Tinder helps you satisfy your inner creep. I’m not sure about you but I get a sick sense of satisfaction knowing I can look at the people living in my neighbourhood and decide if I would want to sleep with them or not. At some point it has to start raising or lowering the property value of a district within the city.
Of course with anything good comes numerous annoyances. For example: to all those on Tinder with no photos – do you not understand how the app works? How do you expect anyone to be interested in you if you refuse to show what you look like? Nice try..
Throughout my brief yet productive use of Tinder I found myself getting more and more creeped out as I read my chat section and yet somewhat intrigued. At the end it really all came down to how creative people could get – a general “hi” isn’t guaranteeing a response back. Try starting out a conversation with the girl of your choosing with a “Jeeze” or calling her a rocket – that seems to work at times.
If I had to choose one thing to be added to the app it would be a height section. There is no way you can expect to be a good match for someone not knowing if they tower over you or hover around your knees.
All in all I would give a well deserved high five to the creators of this masterpiece. If you haven’t tried it yet you need to. Download the app and find that Tinderella we all know is somewhere out there. Happy fucking ;)
From Abbey: I don’t use Tinder (sorry, guys) but I do love TinderLines, which could be the reason why I’m not on Tinder.