Condom That Changes Color When it Detects an STI!?
True colours? Teens have invented a condom that changes color when it detects an STI, which if this hits the shelves could make safe sex a LOT easier. It’s called the S.T.EYE and the inventors are a group of boys from England.
“We created the S.T.EYE as a new way for STI detection to help the future of the next generation. We wanted to make something that made detecting harmful STIs safer than ever before, so that people can take immediate action in the privacy of their own homes without the often-scary procedures at the doctors. We’ve made sure we’re able to give peace of mind to users and let people act even more responsibly than ever before.”
People will always be having sex, people have always been having sex. Sex is awesome, and we should all be enjoying it. But of course, it comes with the occasional worry or invasive doctor’s appointment. A condom that changes color upon coming into contact with an STI prevents both of these.
As an adult site that is proud to be able to provide people with a safe and fun sexual outlet, CAM4 is on board with the S.T.EYE. We can teach people to be responsible, but it’s more powerful to give them tools to actually do it.
As of now, the condom can only detect certain strains of infections and changes 4 different colors depending on the STI. For example, it turns green if it detects chlamydia, purple for HPV, blue for syphilis, and yellow for herpes.
That’s not all of the impressive inventions from teens, there’s an entire Teen Tech Awards dedicated to rewarding teens who have cutting edge ideas on how to make the future an awesome place.