Be Sexy in Red: Tweet a #cam4red Photo

December 1st is World AIDS Day and this is our chance to come together and do good before the holiday season. Wear your red to support both the prevention of HIV and AIDS as well as those who are living with HIV and AIDS.
A simple gesture can go a long way towards such a good cause. Try to share tips and information along with your #cam4red photos – the has some really great myths and facts that could help keep your Twitter following safe and informed.
CAM4 will happily be donating $2 for each #cam4red photo that you share – and yes we will be sharing our own ;) Get inspired by last year’s photos here. This week from Monday to Wednesday, we want to paint Twitter red. Will you help us spread awareness and information about HIV and AIDS?
We cannot do this without your help! So pull out your red lipstick, your red hats, red lingerie, and post them to twitter with the hashtag #cam4red @CAM4. Invite your friends to do the same.