Sweets & Treats Contest with MrsCountry

Come November, my sweat tooth goes crazy. I want cupcakes, chocolate, cake, all the sweets I can get. So yes, this pic is making me drool. Anyways, back to the contest…
So MrsCountry is running a tasty contest. This is a double dose of awesomeness as the winner gets an hour long Private Show with her! A full hour of 1 on 1 action, just think of all the parts of her body you can play with in that time ;) Here’s the second dose of awesomeness: all tokens from Cupcake gifts are going towards her cupcake business!
Let’s get this hot and horny stay at home mom naked!!
Send your cupcakes to MrsCountry
Here’s the Cupcake Leader Board as of now:
1. Yankfanelite (8 cupcakes)
2. Hilariously (6 cupcakes)
3. MN_cock (1 cupcake)
4. Bisluts (1 cupcake)
Can you beat them? The winner will be announced on December 24th, spread some love and you’ll receive a gift. Cupcake gifts are 5 tokens each, you can send then to her when she’s online or offline. Let’s fill her wall with cupcakes, because everyone wins!