Mystery BB Enters the CAM4 Confessional

Each month, our editorial team connects with interesting and exciting performers to ask a handful of personal questions about life, hustling & the perpetual pursuit of pleasure. This month, we’re chatting with CAM4 sweetheart MysteryBB
Q1 What made you get into adult industry?
I like talking to others, and I needed alternative financial stability!
Q2 Why did you start camming?
In addition to the previous question, I started camming to connect to others & making people happy.
Q3 What is your favorite part about camming? Least favorite?
My favorite part is meeting people like and unlike to me. My least favorite is the people who show disrespect & negativity! :) all love here.
Q4 What is the craziest thing you’ve done on camera?
I have had fun in the back of a broken down semi truck on camera!
Q5 Tell us about your favourite toys?
I like the toy I mainly use – it’s cute and perfect to conceal. You’ll have to come to my show to see it!
Q6 Has camming made you more confident?
Yes, and no. I was confident enough before I started cam. But yes, because my fans definitely give me a boost of encouragement. I love them!
Q7 If you could work with anybody in the industry, who and why ?
I would work with Vanna because she is such a great coach, and very helpful. You’ll learn a lot by taking in her advice!
Q8 What advice would you give your younger self?
Be confident, love yourself, self care everyday. What you put out into the world is what defines you, not what others say!
Q9 What’s next for you?
Wherever life takes me I try to enjoy to the fullest I can. I’m not sure yet what’s next for me but whatever it is will be just as exciting
Catch MYSTERYBB on CAM4 every day at 3:00pm ET!