Camgirl of the Month: Lil_missteas

CAM4 Peformer, Lil_missteas, is anything but a tease! ? This athletic cam girl has been making waves on CAM4 for her naughty moves and her amazing squirt shows!
What else do you need to know our adventurous performer, Lil_missteas?! Check out her interview below to find out why she’s our July Camgirl of the Month!
Before we begin, could you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m adventurous and I love learning new things. Some of the things I enjoy are camping, fishing, backcountry backpacking, gardening, hiking, painting, knitting, playing music… to name just a few…haha! I am far from a lady and I curse like a sailor. I’m very athletic and competitive, I powerlift and train in Judo and Taekwondo. Currently I am a purple belt in both. I’ve also got a hot temper (might be the Mexican and Puerto Rican mix). I know it’s bad ettiquite but I’ve told people off in my room before followed by the almighty silence button. I’ve also been told I’m a “little” bossy. But overall I love everyone and I’m basically an old lady in a young body. I’m a huge womens advocate with a loud mouth and tactless opinion. Shit just flys out of my mouth like a bat out of hell. Whoops!!! :)
When/why did you start camming?
A lot of factors got me into camming, financial being one and also curiosity to see if I could do it and do it well enough. A challenge – I like a good challenge. Eventually I fell in love with it and fell in love with myself. I’m lucky enough to have a significant other who supports me and let’s me be me and explore. We’re getting married next month so things have been quite hectic lately, which has made it a little difficult for me to have a set schedule. Hang in there!
What made you decide to start camming on CAM4?
Like most people, I’m sure, I bounced around sites trying to find the one that fit me most community wise. CAM4 ended up being the right place for me and my style. I might now always have the most viewers and sometimes my shows end up just me playing music waiting for something interesting to come along. Or I’ll just strip and play my guitar. But there’s always someone who comes in and we always have a good conversation. I’m still learning and each time I learn something new. Or I come up with an idea! It’s a very chill environment.
What type of cam shows excite you the most?
I love a good squirt show, but I’ll only do those outdoors. Or when I’m doing karaoke to Led Zeppelin or Bill Withers with a giant dildo. I’m a total weirdo and my cam shows often take a total 180 in the blink of an eye (I suffer from ADD so I try to work with it). From playing my Djembe, to talking about the most absurd places I’ve landed a fart.
Dick pics are inevitable, so I made it a game. For 15 tokens you can send me your dick pic and I’ll draw it and send it back to you. I’m a fine artist by trade but I do have a day job that I’m hoping to go part time at and get my painting career off the ground and cam some more too.
What has been your favorite moment on CAM4 thus far?
I met this dude when I was practicing my guitar and we talked ALL night about music and insturments and we basically just played music and jammed out the whole night. I only made like 2 dollars but who gives a shit? It was an incredible experience. Do I need to make money? Yes. Is it the end of the world? Not today. I’m still relatively new and I find that just being my raw self is best and I have most fun, and if I’m having fun I’m assuming (hoping) that my viewers are too. Meeting new people and learning about their lives, fantasies, experiences generally anything is fascinating.
What do you feel is the sexiest part of your body?
Easy! My butt! And my legs. God damn they are muscular. I’m by no means The Rock, but I can do a decent set of weighted pullups and if I get a glimpse of my back muscles, oh lordy. So be nice! I squat 155lbs on the regular so these legs can boot yo ass straight to Pluto. I’m a 115lb 5ft woman for reference. And remember, I got that Latina spice. Did I mention Taekwondo? Not only does it come with a great set of skills for the mind and body… it also requires a ridiculous amount of flexibility. ;)
What is your favorite sex toy to use both on and off cam?
If my fiance would join me, I’d say him… ha!! But I love my Umie vibrator. It heats up, the vibrations are great, its quiet and usually fits very nicely along with the lush if you want a blow-your-mind orgasm. If you want a oh-my-god I’ve discovered nirvana experience try the Umie in the front and nice, big, soft dildo in the ass.. or a butt plug. I’m small so I have to be careful of size, hardness and girth for my ass if I’m going to be using the Umie also. Bad dragons are always fun too, I recently got a Stan and I haven’t been able to fit that mother fucker in my kitty yet without feeling like someone shoved a cheese grater up there. THAT GIRTH THO!
Has your attitude towards sex changed since you started camming? Are you more open-minded, less judgmental, etc.
I have never been the judgmental type. Being aprehensive of new things is normal and I always tell my fans if it’s something new to me and warn them that I might not enjoy it, but I’m excited to see what whatever it is is like.
I remember my first threesome, f/f/m, and it didn’t happen as it really should have. So I’m hoping to have another opportunity to try it again with my fiance, but we’re not looking or anything we are waiting for the moment to happen naturally.
For me, camming is empowering and has definitely helped with my confidence. I am a survivor of rape, and by no means am I saying that it has become a way to cope, but it is a way for me to accept vulnerability and know that I can say no at anytime and assert myself as a person who’s body deserves to be respected. I never do anything I am not comfortable with, even if it means a bad rating. Fuck the stars if it means sacrificing my own dignity.
On a lighter note, my sex life with my fiance has never been better. We have always been very open, curious, and adventerous. I have learned so many new things that I talk with him about and ask if it’s something he might be interested in trying too. He was my first anal experience. ;)
Do you have any future plans for camming?
Overall I’m just riding the wind and going along. Where it will take me? Who knows, I’m always coming up with crazy ideas. I have LOTS of ideas!!!
But if you’ve ever planned a wedding you know how crazy it is, so I’ve been taking it easy on myself and trying to enjoy the whole wedding process so I can enjoy the actual day.
I want to do digital paintings of models (since my traditional portrait oil paintings are very expensive, time consuming, and often a pain to ship). I’d love to comission digital portraits, I love painting from nude models (or non-nude) and I figured there’s plenty of naked around. If any model is interested hit me up for pricing and I’ll draw you like one of those French girls ;). I’m currently working on my own portrait as an example. That would be so fucking awesome to get going since I love drawing, painting anything artistic.
What is the one thing you’d love to do on cam that you’ve never done before?
I’ve been trying to convince my fiance to join me on cam. He’s verified and everything, but he’s not ready yet. If he never feels comfortable that’s okay, I always offer. But he will let me know when of if he’s interested. Just thinking about being on cam with him has got me a little wet right now…
Maybe a show with another camgirl, I’m not sure how my fiance/husband would feel about that…But however he might feel about it, I respect however he may feel. Whether if he agrees or not. :)
P.S. If anyone is a rape survivor and needs someone to talk to my inbox is always open. I will never turn down someone in need of a listening ear.
Thank you for sharing your story, Lil_missteas! Make sure to follow her on Twitter and subscribe to her official CAM4 page!
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