No Moustache? Support Movember with CAM4 Gifts!

Every year around this time, we kick off the holidays with two amazing causes – Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Movember. As a community of women and men, which sometimes happen to involve boobs n balls, the CAM4 team think these two months are especially fitting.
This year we’re running the annual Movember gifting drive where we encourage all CAM4 tippers, models, lurkers, community members or whatever else you prefer to tip in Movember gifts. The performer will get the full token value of the gift, and we will match the amount of tokens sold via Movember gifts at the end of the month for donation to the Movember Foundation.
Give Movember CAM4 Gifts and help CAM4 Donate Their Money to Charity!
Let us know who you will be gifting in a comment on this post, perhaps we can start a Mo’ gift club ;)