Get Wet with CAM4: August 4th to 29th! (CONTEST)

I hope your summer has been hot, because it’s time to Get Wet! We’re going to hose everyone down in the sexiest way possible, and give some well-earned prizes away to keep you feeling the heat for the rest of summer. There’s photo challenges and live show challenges, and everyone is welcome to participate!
Thanks to our cover model for the time being, miss Spankygrl for tweeting in her pic! If you’re a CAM4 model, Twitter is a great way to get your name out there. Follow Abbey AKA @cam4 and say hello :)
Week One: Shower Shows, August 4-8
First we have to cool down. We’ve been sweating all summer, running around in the sun and having even sweatier than usual sex. Take us into your showers and show us how you get clean. Schedule a sexy shower or bath show and tag it with #get wet. You can have a bubble bath, give us a wet t-shirt shower show, oil up, or just….get wet for us. It’s up to you ;)
Shows will be judged by the CAM4 team based on creativity, effort, and how engaged you are with your chat room and viewers. We’re inviting all of our Twitter followers (and curious newbies) to watch the shows and take part in the judging with us so follow @cam4 on Twitter! Any shows scheduled between 9am and 5pm EST will be judged live. The winning show will get a Logitech C920 webcam from yours truly, to help improve CAM4 for you and your viewers!
Check the full Shower Show schedule here.
Week Two: Wet T-Shirt Contest, August 11-15
So you’re clean and cool, now let’s put on some clothes…and then get them wet. By t-shirt we mean jock strap, underwear, shirt, dress, whatever clothing you prefer. You can incorporate this into a live show and take pics, or do it separately. Either way capture your hottest, wettest moment and upload the pic to your CAM4 profile tagged with #getwet.
Pssst take a look at Foxy_c to get some inspiration, or jut because she’s fucking hot.
All #getwet pics will go to the CAM4 Selfies page where you can enjoy all of the pics…forever ;) At the end of Friday, we’ll chose the top 5 pics to be moved over to the blog and voted on by viewers. Come Monday morning, August 18th we’ll announce the Wet T-Shirt Winner with the most votes! They’ll win a special CAM4 swag pack and 50 tokens.
Week Three: Swim Suit Shows, August 18-22
It’s no fun when you start off naked, that’s why we love bikini contests! We don’t like to exclude anyone, so of course swim trunks, speedos, one pieces etc are all welcome! Schedule a show, tag it #getwet, and give us your best show! Be in your bathroom, back yard, in bed, strut your stuff, or give us a strip tease. Show off your body in whatever way makes you feel sexiest <3
The best swimsuit show competitor will get to go on a shopping trip at Amazon with Coach Nikki valued at $100 USD! Now’s the time to set up an Amazon Wish List and begin collecting some naughty ideas. You can link your wish list to CAM4 or keep it private. If you don’t want to create a wish list, that’s okay too, Nikki will still take you shopping ;)
Week Four: Cum Photos, August 25-29
Like all good romps, tt’s time end it with an orgasm! This is where we really get wet;) Take a picture of your jizz, squirt, cum, etc. and tweet it to @cam4. We’ll be choosing the best 10 photos and then our viewers will be voting on the top pic! The winner will get a $100 Stockroom gift card to keep them wet ;)
And yes, you can take a pic of your partner’s cum. For homework, brush up on cum shot pics with Messy Cumshot on Tumblr. Or let the lovely Foxy_C show you how a cumshot is photographed best. This girl is living the life!!
I wanna show off my cum on Twitter!
So, now that you’ve had a head’s up of next August’s fun..what will you be doing to Get Wet? Coach Nikki always has fantastic ideas and she’s sharing them in her Open Forum show on Tuesday July 29th at 8pm EST for CAM4 broadcasters only. Word on the street is, there’s a special guest coming over… :O
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