Cam4 Freaky Halloween Recap

After collecting, updating, and building the Freaky Halloween schedule came the fun part: watching all the shows! Man were there a lot of shows to watch. It’s a dirty job. but somebody’s gotta do it. Here are my favourite Halloween shows from this year:
Morgane88 had 175,000 views for her sexy school girl show!
Dianne98 reminds us why police aren’t always party poopers. Sometimes, they bring the fun, sexiness, and kinkiness into our lives.
BreeButts went all out this year. There’s something seriously hot about costumes like this.
If you’ve ever wondered what a witch wears under her clothes, Hot_horny25 had the answer.
I’ve always had a thing for hockey players, and I love a good scary movie. Superwild89 made my day with his serial killer hockey player costume. And that body… mm mmm mmmm.
A huge thank you goes out to all of our performers who showed their holiday spirit!