10 Things You Didn’t Know About Vaginas
Here’s some homeschooling for you – check out these cool facts about your vagina, or your partner’s vagina. You know they always say, learning is done best with some hands-on experience. With all the recent debate on G-Spots and squirting, it’s nice to know that even if you’re a disbeliever vaginas are still pretty cool. With twice as many nerve endings as an entire cock, the clitoris is also high up there on the cool body parts list. One thing that wasn’t included in this is that women who are more confident with their vaginas have better sex, and better orgasms (thanks Dr. Lissa Rankin).
My favorite vagina fact is that it translates to “sword holder” in Latin. And come on, 134 orgasms in 1 hour!? Compared to the record for men, which is 16, it’s definitely great to be a woman. Now if you’ll excuse me, my Sword Holder and I have a record to break.