It is often said that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and even though selling sex is illegal in many places, there are many options for those who want to be served by a professional. In fact, most places on this list offers not only quality sex for a fee, but an unique experience, you have to live it to believe it!
Big Sister
Its the new trend for all “voyeur” lovers. In this unique brothel in the Czech Republic, Czech and Slovak girls are serving their customers for free … in exchange for their agreement to record the sex acts and share the videos worldwide. This “TV” thrill, based on sex, is available on the Internet, satellite and cable TV in Europe.
Alien Cathouse
Dennis Hof, the man behind the famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch (which served as a movie set for the reality show “Cathouse”, broadcast on HBO), has plans to expand and create a new brothel, which is supposed to be an unforgettable sexual experience for SF fans. Located 140 kilometers from Las Vegas, Hof says that this area “Alien Cathouse” will offer customers the chance to spend unbelievable moments with women dressed in aliens, which literally will blow their minds.
Nana Entertainment Plaza
If there is a center of debauchery in Bangkok, this is the place! In Nana Entertainment Plaza, you can find more than 40 bars. Most locations are go-go bars where girls dance and undress, different than the usual brothels in terms of sex acts, and the money are negotiated between men and dancers, no intermediaries such as pimps or matrons.
The Site
Australia has many legal brothels to choose from, but if you’re looking for a certain type of woman, The Site of Sydney is the place. Here people advertise everything from “wild and sexy brunettes” to ” hot and naughty blondes.”
Star Wars Bordello
The newly opened Bordello Club in Los Angeles is a night club and also a brothel where u can listen music, watch dance performances and numerous burlesque striptease acts, done by Star Wars characters.
To be continued….