Hello you sexy and naughty romanians out there.
Since we love every single performer on our Cam4 site we couldn’t leave you out of our sexy camily so …we have some great news for you.
I know some of you already noticed our sexy Danilelle www.cam4.co.uk/cam4coach_ro ,the new cam4 coach, just for you .She will be coaching the romanian performers, in their native language, just to make your experience easier on cam4 .And not only coaching, she will be available for you, for any question you might have, on her e-mail or on Twitter: @cam4coach_ro.
The native language is always best for teaching and expressing your needs.
But don’t worry… your secret is safe with us ,cause the coaching session is password protected ( the password is on the right side of cam4buck section ) , so you can continue your undercover secret agent life with no worry of being revealed.
The coaching lessons will be live on Cam4, every Monday from 7pm and every Thursday from 6 pm .