CAM4 Twitter Cover Stars (CONTEST)

For models looking to get extra promotion, we have a special weekly contest on Twitter starting… now! Every Monday to Friday, all models are welcome to tweet a picture of themselves that they’d like to see on the CAM4 Twitter account for your region:
North American models: @cam4
French models: @cam4_fr
Italian models: cam4_it
Spanish models: @cam4_es
UK models: @cam4_uk
Dutch models: @cam4_nl
German models: @cam4_de
Gay models: @cam4_gay
Include the hashtag #cam4cover and we’ll count up the RTs beginning every Monday morning and ending every Friday afternoon. The model who’s photo gets the most RTs will be our cover model for the coming week. You’ll also get a direct link to your CAM4 profile and Twitter handle in our bio.