Hairy or Shaved?

Back in the day, from the dawn of time until very recently, there was really only one style for pubic hair of interest to the general public: full bush. However in the last century, the idea of grooming pubic locks as much as the hair on top of your head has become popular. Just like any fashion, there are trends.
Hairy: Also known as au natural, or, the original, Hairy is the style that takes the least amount of time for both guys and girls. It’s the “just get up and go” version of the hair down there. However, some lovers might complain about a bit of unwanted dental floss if they are putting their mouth on that precious area. Hairy is also a fetish, that some require to get off. For those who love that, there are whole websites dedicated to porn with girls who don’t like shaving it all off.
Shaved: This one is the complete opposite of hairy. It might take some time to get rid of all the hair, and it might clog your drain if you’re shaving your pussy or cock in the shower. There are also some more painful, but much quicker methods of ridding your genitals of unwanted hair such as waxing…ouch! The benefit to a shaved pubic style is that it will leave your groin smooth and clean…the easiest access for some hot activities down there!
Trimmed: This style is the compromise of the two. There are many versions of a shaved pussy or cock. Some guys like to just shave their balls for the benefit of some tea-bagging. Some girls like to trim their pubic mound so there is still a lot of hair but it’s not all over the place. Some gals even like to trim a little shape into their hair like a heart or an arrow.
Check Out Some Bush On CAM4 Now