CAM4 Interview With: MaleUk89cam4
CAM4 would not be who we are today without our viewers and performers, so we are putting the spot lot on one of our performers Scousemr89. He lives in Liverpool in the UK, he is 24 soon to be 25 in Aug. He describes himself as a nice guy who love sports, music, going to the gym, spending time with his little brother and sister, and lets not forget performing on cam4 to all his wonderful viewers. Make sure you follow him on Twitter @maleuk89cam4 because he will follow back and then you never miss a show.
What do you sleep in?
I sleep in my uncomfy bed haha jokes. Mostly naked unless its cold so then just a pair of boxers.
How often do you jack off?
Oooooo got to be done every day a few times most of them can be seen live when I am performing.
What kind of music do you listen too?
I listen to most types of music not a big fan of metal or rock though. Mostly hip hop, grime or dance although I like some of the older songs too that were before my time.
If you were trapped on an island and could only take 3 things what would they be?
Wow good question erm….. my phone so i can get on twitter and keep up to date with my followers on Twitter. My weights as i like to work out each day if I’m not too tired from playing with myself. Enough water so i wouldn’t die haha
Have you ever been in love?
Yep I have it was the best feeling until it all went wrong though a situation not many people know about but I will tell you all now. Its because she had a miscarriage and after that we were not so close and sadly ended.
Why did you decide to start camming?
Well I got a taste of it few years ago on MSN messenger then one day come across Cam4 and signed up but was too shy at first so was just a viewer then one drunk night I got brave and broadcast and that was the start to my Cam4 addiction loved it and still do thanks to a few people supporting me and the confidence and amazing advice from cam coach Nikki
What do you get asked to do on cam the most?
To show my 5 tattoos or to show off my hairy body people seem to love it.
When dating do you tell people about you camming?
Not on a first date I get to know the person and let them get to know me then i tell them so they can make their own decision. My close friends and family know too so that is a weight off my shoulders.
When having sex what is your favorite thing to do?
I like to be in control and to be bit and scratched but the best thing ever is licking pussy mostly if she is riding on my face mmmmm i love it