Wrap Your Cock In A Sock For Testicular Cancer
A new internet sensation has hit the web and all you need is a cock and a sock. On Instagram guys are lining up to post pictures of their #cockinasock to raise awareness for testicular cancer.
Testicular cancer is cancer of the testis. It usually affects men ages 20-39. About 8,820 new cases of testicular cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Because testicular cancer has a 90% cure rate it can usually be treated successfully, a man’s lifetime risk of dying from this cancer is very low: about 1 in 5,000.
The Cock In A Sock Facebook page already has 103,000 likes with tons of supportive messages, pictures and donations. You can follow the cause on Twitter @cockinasock
Now to those men who were brave enough to put their #cockinasock
CAM4 guys are you brave enough to put your #cockinasock? If so tweet your picture to @cam4_gay so we can show your support for the cause.