What Do You Do While Waiting For Viewers On Cam4?

So you have been on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr letting the whole world know that you are going on Cam4 to do a show. Turn that cam on and you expect 1,000’s of people to be watching you while they throw money at you. Why? Duh because you are the hottest thing on Cam4. Now we wake up from that dream and sometimes it’s a waiting game to get viewers and tips. So while waiting lets multitask. Here are 5 easy exercises you can do while waiting for viewers. They can even be done at a desk, so try them at work, minus you getting naked. Cut that part out unless you are doing a cam show from work. Which I am all for.
Desk Push-ups
While standing, position yourself a few feet from your desk. Keep your feet together. Then, put your palms on the edge of your desk, about a shoulder width away from each other. Lower down to the edge of the desk, and push back to the starting position. As you increase your strength, see if you can do 15 reps in a row.
Straight Leg Lifts
- Stand in front of your chair.
- Put your feet a little farther apart than shoulder-width.
- Keep in mind throughout this exercise that your knees shouldn’t pass your toes, but be positioned over your ankles. Your back should be straight.
- Now, lower down slowly until you are almost sitting in your chair. Hold the position for a moment and then come back up.
- Try two sets of 10 with a couple minutes of rest in between.
Chair Lift
Here’s how it works. Sit down nice and tall in your chair — make it a sturdy one without wheels, if possible. Push your shoulders back as if you are trying to appear as “professional” as possible. Move to your chair’s edge and place your hands on the sides of the chair or on the armrests.
You are now in position. While keeping your back straight, lift your knees. Bring them up to your chest and then back down. You can let your legs go all the way to the floor during the exercise, or not allow them to touch the ground between reps to make it even more challenging.
Jump-rope Simulation
This exercise is performed just as you would suspect — pretend to jump-rope. Clasp the imaginary ends of your rope and start jumping. You can jump from one foot to another, or hop with both legs at the same time.
Keep up your imaginary play and try some shadow boxing, which is pretending to box. Or go old-school with some tried-and-true jumping jacks.
Arms-behind-your-head Stretch
- Sit down in your chair.
- Put your hands behind your head.
- Interlock your fingers.
- Move your elbows toward each other.
- Lean back into the stretch.
- Breathe in, and hold for 20 seconds.
- Breathe out.
- Do it all again.