Blow Job Techniques That Will BLOW His Mind

A guy who can give a great blow job is someone that you want to keep around. It’s one of those things that everyone can do, but not everyone is GOOD at it. Sure, it’s easy enough to put a dick in your mouth and move it up and down; but it’s the technique that will really get him there.
Giving a good BJ is something that many people take pride in, and it’s very disappointing when you can’t make your man cum. If this has happened to you, keep in mind that sometimes it’s just not going to happen. This is why we found some tips that will help you finish the job.
Recently, we came accross an article by Daily Nexus outlining “A Gay Man’s Guide To Giving Good Oral“. Grab a notepad, a pen, take some notes, and invite that booty call over to try out these techniques.
1. Contrary to popular belief, a great blow job should entail more non-sucking “up and down” motion on the penis than anything else. I want you to take your dominant hand, make an “o,” place it to your closed mouth with your thumb touching your bottom lip, and move your head forward and backward while rotating your hand. This is exactly what you should be doing for 40-50 percent of a good blow job.
2. While doing this, use your free hand to tickle his balls or stroke his perineum, as this will intensify pleasure by stimulating the nerves all around his groin rather than just those in his dick. Note that I said tickle, not squeeze. Please, for the sake of all men, don’t squeeze — that shit sucks.
3. About every 15-20 seconds, take your mouth off of his penis and move to the base of his balls. Then, lick along the line separating his left and right nuts, up his shaft and finally to the head of his penis (see tip four). I don’t know what it is about licking the length of a man’s groin that feels so good, but it just does.
4. The head of the penis, little do many know, is its most sensitive region. When you want to change things up a bit, pull down his foreskin — if he has one — and swirl your mouth around the head while swishing your tongue in circles. If he’s uncut, lick the skin on the back of the head connecting it to the shaft. Uncut men actually experience more pleasure during sex because this flap of skin, called the “ridged band,” is still intact. As such, utilize it whenever possible.
5. Don’t use your teeth. Ever. No one likes it. I don’t care if Cosmo magazine brings up some cool new technique that involves nibbling his shaft — because yes, I actually read this, and the thought itself makes me shudder — just don’t do it. Tooth-to-dick scraping is easily the number one way to ruin what could’ve been great dome, so practice tucking your lips over your teeth while blowing some phallic object like a banana and know that this will really help you hone your skills.
6. Deep throat feels ridiculously good during a blow job, but not all can do it without gagging. I know lots of guys who think that gagging is hot, but I’m pretty sure most wouldn’t be as stoked after experiencing puke dick — yep, it’s a thing. So I’m going to let you in on a little gay man’s secret: whenever I brush my teeth, I brush the back of my tongue as well. This desensitizes that area and makes deep throating even the biggest of dicks a breeze.
7. If you want to make him come during oral, realize that it is more so the use of your hand rather than your mouth that actually builds up sexual tension in his prostate gland. Shake fast but lightly for 5-10 seconds in between blowing periods if you want him to come, but don’t ever squeeze his penis too hard, as this can be really uncomfortable.
8. When he’s about to come — something you’ll know because his abs will begin to flex rhythmically — you have to decide: spit or swallow. While most men I know, myself included, prefer when people swallow, the taste of semen can deter one from doing so. One possible solution? Ask your man to eat pineapples or sweet fruits throughout the day. It might sound weird, but sweet citrus fruits are known to give semen a sweet taste and make it much more bearable to swallow.
9. Communicate. Good sex is all about communication, and because everyone is different, find out if your man likes what you’re doing and change things up a bit if he doesn’t.
10. Make sure you get yours. While this isn’t really a tip on giving blow jobs, it’s absolutely ridiculous that some guys expect head without wanting to give it themselves. Heck, I’ve done it and I’m gay. So next time your boyfriend complains about not wanting to eat you out, tell him that if Matt Togni can do it, so can he.
Source: Dailynexus
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