Best Time Of Day To Have Sex?
Wake and Quake: 7:00 am – 10:00 am
While morning sex sometimes feels less than ideal – you have sleep in your eyes, dragon breath, the night sweats, and, probably, a hangover – a sunrise shag is actually healthy. “That’s when testosterone levels peak,” says Dr. Harry Fisch, author of Size Matters. “When a man has higher testosterone and is well-rested, he has more energy during sex. That energy will help him last longer.” You hear that, guys? Last longer. As in, you’re a sex god. It turns out that the rush of AM endorphins actually lowers blood pressure and stress levels and makes for a more upbeat rest of the day. “Morning sex can strengthen your immune system for the day by enhancing your levels of IgA, an antibody that protects against infection,” adds Fisch. “And climaxing releases chemicals that boost levels of estrogen and testosterone, which improves the tone and texture of your skin and hair.” Yes, that orgasm makes you look good.
Afternoon Delight: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
You know what sucks? Looking down at your watch and realizing it’s only noon on a Wednesday. You know what’s awesome? What scientists know about the therapeutic value of sex as stress relief. Our advice: Put down your sorry sandwich and take your humpday to the next level by sneaking off for an afternoon quickie. You will walk back into the office less anxious, full of confidence and ready to attack the rest of your day.
Bed Time: 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Only having sex at night is like only eating vanilla ice cream for dessert: It makes sense in precisely the wrong way. After all, you’re tired, you’ve had a long day, you’ve been dreaming of face-planting into your pillow for hours. We get it. We’ve been there. Sex can actually help you sleep better. Like a drug, sex sets off certain chemical reactions in the brain that give us feelings of euphoria. Post-O, your body releases oxytocin and endorphins, aka, the feel-good hormones, which often have a sedative effect.
Morning sex is the most important meal of the day. While we would never recommend shooting down a romp in the sack depending on the time of day, we do suggest getting your rocks off in the raw morning hours. You’ll look better, feel better – and seriously – why not start the day with an orgasm?