Ramp Up Your Sex Drive
Do you ever think, “Where the hell did my sex drive go”? Is it because you are tired, busy, or distracted? Lets not blame testosterone, but it does play a leading role and your lifestyle could be your testosterone’s worst enemy. So here are some things you can do to make sure you are always ready and willing to jump into bed.
Stay Trim
Obesity and belly fat are sex drive killers. A study showed that obese teen boys have 50% less testosterone than non-obese teen boys. Fat cells have an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen.
Get 8 Hours Of Sleep
After only one week of just five hours of sleep nightly, testosterone levels dropped 10-15%. So less sleep means goodbye to your most important male hormone.
Avoid Toxins That Harm The Testicles
Phthalates and parabens in personal care products like lotions and shaving creams, and BPA in plastic bottles and on store receipts, are anti-androgens, meaning they disrupt the production and function of multiple hormones including testosterone. So, green your bathroom cabinet, use stainless-steel reusable water bottles, and say no thanks to receipts at stores to avoid these chemicals.
Relax Like A Pro
Stress is a major driver of low testosterone. Ultimately your adrenal hormones, thyroid hormones and sex hormones are all interconnected in a beautiful but complicated dance. A stress-driven phenomenon called “cortisol steal” can lead to a hormone imbalance where the production of testosterone is decreased in favor of cortisol. If you relax and breathe, meditate, do yoga or otherwise boost your parasympathetic nervous system, even for just 10 minutes a day, you give your hormone system a chance to reboot and rebalance.
Avoid Statins And Eat More Fish Oil
Not only do statin drugs negatively impact mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of your metabolism, they have been shown to lower free and total testosterone. Eating more fish oil will lower inflammation (inflammation lowers testosterone) and will also support the production of healthy cholesterol, the ultimate building block. As a bonus, fish oil also lowers sex-hormone binding globulin, the school bus-like protein that ferries testosterone around the body, so that more testosterone is free and available.
Take Your Vitamins Seriously
Vitamins A and E, and minerals zinc and selenium are like fertilizer for androgen production and testicular function. While in the developed world we may eat a lot of food, most of it is low or totally missing these important micronutrients. Supplements are one targeted way to get more of these critical nutrients, or, eat more shellfish for zinc and selenium, carrots and kale for vitamin A, and almonds and sunflower seeds for vitamin E.
Get Some Sun
The male reproductive tract is a target for vitamin D, and vitamin D supplementation has been shown to increase total testosterone, bioavailable testosterone and free testosterone. We have an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency in the U.S. If you aren’t sure of your level, get tested, and in addition to supplements, be sure to get your 15 minutes of direct sunshine a day.