CAM4 Gold Party With: Latino23bom
This is going to be hot, hard, soaking wet… and you won’t have to ask @nikki_night and I twice to watch this Gold Party show. Congratulations to my future husband Latino23bom on collecting the most Gold Stars for May’s Gold Party challenge! Now the fun part, check out his page, look at his pics, follow @latino23bom on Twitter, get to know your host.
Save the Date: June 4th at 23h CET or 5pm EST with Latino23bom
So who is Latino23bom? He’s a fitness model from Portugal, and he loves to show off his well-earned physique on CAM4. In his off-cam time he loves to travel and explore photography. I can think of a couple things I’d love to see him photograph…
He prefers to share his bed with someone, lists oral sex as his favorite thing to do, and he only jerks off on CAM4. We’re exclusive like that 😉 If you’re into him, you need to save the date and join us for this party.
Gold Members, watch out for an email from CAM4 on more information! You can become a Gold Member here.