Naked Zones Come To Germany
Munich Germany has legalized public nudity through the introduction of six designated nudist zones. CAM4 thinks nudity is awesome and we are glad Germany thinks it too.
As long as you are in one of the designated zones, all your going to need is your birthday suit. Please do not forget your sunscreen. Think about this, when was the last time your balls saw sunlight, so sunscreen those balls along with Mr. Cock.
How did all this happen you ask? Last fall in Bavaria their nude sunbathing laws expired. The nude areas are not hidden or fenced off and one area is just 10 minutes from Munich’s main square.
In 2012 Germans were named most likely to nude sunbathe. In 1920 the first official nude beach was created in Germany.
So would you get naked in Munich? Have a nude beach or nude sunbathing story? Post it below, we love good naked stories.