Lots of Sex Leads to Lots More Sex
Sex is fucking great. No question about it. It’s fun, it feels amazing and you always feel brilliant afterwards. But how many of us are actually having it as often as we’d like? And if not, why not? A lot of it has to do with the hectic pace of modern life. Work, family, social life – they all need attention; so it’s no wonder lots of us hit a ‘sex slump’ from time to time when we actually can’t remember the last time we got hot and sweaty. That’s the thing about sex – the less you have of it, the less you have of it!
So what can you do to make sure this sex slump doesn’t become a habit? Here are a few tips to make sure you keep sexercising regularly.
If you’re not actually having sex then start thinking about it. Watch some porn, check out some erotica sites for sexy short stories or imagery and just remind yourself of what it feels like to be turned on. If you don’t have time to read something hot and steamy, why not download some erotic novels as audiobooks and have a listen on your way to work or even in the gym. By the time you get home, you’ll be raring to go!
Remind yourself of what it’s like to just lie on the couch and have a good old snog with your partner. Don’t put any pressure on yourselves to have sex, just enjoy being close with each other. Remember back to those marathon snogging sessions you used to have before sex was on the agenda? Damn it was fun, and the prospect of sex was, naturally, all the more exciting because it was that forbidden fruit you weren’t really supposed to be tasting yet. You’d be amazed how turned on you’ll get if you tell yourselves you’re not going to take your clothes off. It’s that classic human thing of wanting what you can’t have. Try this a few times and we can almost guarantee you’ll be tearing each other’s jeans off before you even get to the bottom of the stairs.
If your partner’s not around (or if you’re single at the moment) then get the sex toys out and take care of number one. Masturbation is massively important in understanding your body and your sexual sensibilities, and the more you know about what works for you, the more you can share this knowledge with your other half.
And finally – just have sex! You might be tired, work might be stressing you out, there might be something on the telly, but the best way to break the no sex cycle is just to have it. Even if you’re not in the mood to start with, once things start to hot up, you’ll wonder why you left it so long!