Man Has 2 Fat Uncut Cocks

Diphallia is an extremely rare condition/occurrence in which a man is born with two fully functioning penises. In the case of this anonymous 24-year-old guy, who’s doing a Reddit Q&A yesterday and today, they’re both fat and uncut and he has to masturbate his cocks constantly to keep his prostate from becoming inflamed.
It’s congenital and it’s from some crazy shit going on during development in the womb. my mom had some difficulties leading up to me being born and they noticed somethign was up with the ultrasound but not clearly till i came out with two dicks.
stimulation of both at the same time feels good, but better when they are being sucked or are inside someone. jerking them at the same time just feels like jerking… too hard. i ususlly just jerk the right one.
My prostate gets inflamed if I dont ejaculate enough. I’m probably the only guy with a legit reason to orgasm at least once every day or two days. My prostate gets stimulation from both cocks and creates a lot of seminal fluid. So when i cum it has to be squeezed every few days to get all the excess out. otherwise it feels bloated and painful.
Q: Do you shower at the Y or wait until you get home? How do you deal with the triple takes? I’m assuming you get stares and not just sneak-a-peaks.
I generally avoid public bathrooms and if I do use one i try to use the stall and not a wall urinal. There’ve been times where I’ve had to use the urinal and because i have one muscle that controls my piss, it lets the stream flow out both my dicks. so unless i pinch off one of them it comes out both and that doesnt feel good. So I have to take both out to pee. Yeah Ive gotten stares and even had a few guys at various times go HOLY SHIT.
I never went through the body scanners when I flew, always worked out that they were full or I got the pat down. Once I got a grin from a big black woman when she noticed them both. I just wiggled my eyebrow at her and she went “Well okay then,” and laughed.
Q: Do they both hang to one side of your pants, or do they split the seam?
when i go commando, which is almost always except in winter, they take their own sides. the seam can be a pain sometimes because the skin between them is a little delicate and sensitive.
Q: Can one be hard and the other not?
always starts that way. left one starts to get semi first, then stops at a certain point. Right one then gets rock hard and if I’m horny enough the left one will continue to stiffen up and get bigger. Once or twice, with a cock ring on, they’ve both been equally rock hard.
Q; How do women react when they find out?
varies from girl to girl. Some have been like WOW. some have been like THATS FAKE! some have freaked out like, called me names. Most are pretty curious, but i dont have casual sex anymore, i stopped a few years back. Didnt like the empty feeling inside after a 1 night stand. did a lot of those in my late teens. A LOT of them. but for the most part, girls were nervous and some changed their mind at the last minute. dudes NEVER change their mind, they always want it even if they’re freaked out a little. lol
Q: Ever gotten a blowjob from two girls/man at the same time?
Q: So has there ever been that awkward moment when one person finishes the job before the other?
Nah, they both cum at the same time, but if you’re working on the left one you have to suck it out. The right one launches every time. 😉
Q: Has a female ever asked to put both inside her at once?
Yep. Many… [It went] very nicely [with one], [but] she complained later though that her cervix was poking out and that her hole was huge. she kept coming back for more at least for 3 months. lol
I’ve DP’ed tons of guys. Most of them were straight going into it too. I remember one really hot muscly jock dude from a gym a long time back, in the midst of it going something like “I’m fucking straight and I’m about to get fucking double dicked by a guy.” as he bent over and I said “Huh?” Like I didn’t hear him. He ignored me then in the midst of it he was like “OMG, i fucking love this.” Apparently I’ve converted a good amount of men.