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How To Take A Dick Pic

How To Take A Dick Pic

Full Exposure

When sending a dick picture let it be a dick not a dick in underwear.  Even if that dick is hard in those briefs we still want to see some dick.  Now if that dick has something wrong with it then by all means keep it covered.

Groom Away

Would you leave your house with your hair a hot mess?  Probably not, so groom the forest.  You don’t need to shave it off or wax it just trim the hedges.  Less forest gives the illusion of a bigger dick.

Erect Yourself

How hard should that dick be?  We all hate to look at limp dicks so how about a semi hard dick.  When you send a hard dick there is nothing left to the imagination.  People decide right then and there whether you’re big enough for them.  A semi says, “Hey look at my dick, and it gets bigger than this”.  People then want to hook up so they can see how big it gets.

Force Perspective

If you are on the smaller size get in nice and close to fill that frame with dick.  For those bigger guys please do not hold a ruler or bottle to show how big you are that is just cheesy.  A hand holding it is good enough.

Lighting Matters

You want a dick picture to have a bit of an air of mystery. Nothing too bright, but certainly not so dark that the object in question is obscured by the background and don’t use a flash.

Work Your Angles

The best way to shoot the dick is from the top down, with the lens pointed toward the feet. Laying down works better than standing. Another acceptable angle is to hold the camera toward the body and point the penis to one side, especially if you are hard and the endowment is large.

Mirror Image

Dick picture should seem impromptu and intimate.  Standing in the mirror seems vain, does crazy things to the perspective, and the mirror can give off a lousy glare. Also, pictures in the mirror usually end up showing off more than a bit of a torso. If you have a buff body please, capture your body from neck to knees. However, if you’re a little flabby around the midsection do the world and yourself a favor and keep a tight focus on the body part at hand.


Via Gawker


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